SynFactory Interactive Modular Software Synthesizer
Download page
Latest stable release versions
Click here to download
SynFactory 1.16rc1
(200 kByte)
Compatible with PCs running Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with a Pentium class processor and 32 Mb+ memory.
Click here to download
SynFactory 1.15
(115 kByte)
Compatible with PCs running Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with a Pentium class processor and 32 Mb+ memory.
Click here to download
SynFactory 1.14
(111 kByte)
Compatible with PCs running Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with a Pentium class processor and 32 Mb+ memory.
Click here to download
SynFactory 1.12
(82 kByte)
Compatible with PCs running Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with a Pentium class processor and 32 Mb+ memory.
Source code
Click here to download
SynFactory 1.17src
(280 kByte)
Sourcecode only NO EXECUTABLES. If you don't want to compile SynFactory yourself download synfactory 1.16rc1 instead.
Even if you rebuild from sources I recommand downloading the binairy distribution because it contains some additional files (like the example patches).
User provided files
Click to download
(12 kByte) send to me by Dave, please read copyright message in the file.
Click to download
(11 kByte) send to me by Raymond.
Click to download
(37 kByte) tutorial files used in classroom setting.
If you have some patches or information to share send them to me attached to an email with a note specifying I may
put them on my website. My email address is in the readme file found in the SynFactory archive.