StudioFactory The desktop audio/video studio
Release notes of current and previous versions
# Linux port:
# + quitFlag is not possible for Qt. As it needs to be a function that can call a member of mainWindow
# so quitFlag should be removed and replaced with a callable function something like 'quitStudioFactory()'
# Ideas:
# - Transpose option in Patch settings
# - note range in Patch settings
# - velocity range in Patch settings
# - Key to focus main window (easier keyboard control)
# - scrollbars around mainwindow
# + move html font generation to font_gdi.pl more platform independence
# Open bugs:
# - 2,4,8,16 buttons to digital value (for use in switch)
# - play patch, select and delete previous project, play button is gray, should be green.
# - flushCaptureFile is in timertick of transport window. but is not optimal location. moveto mainwindow? and then ~cc~mainwindotick~ or such...
# - Gray 'show resize icons' on/off button in colorselector if no graphic modules exist.
# - stop/play/record 'checkmarks' in menu not ok when just started. After one button press they are.
# - setRecordMode -> setTheRecordMode (results in double function needs fix)
# - setPlayMode -> setThePlayMode (results in double function needs fix)
# - PageUp/PageDown/CursorUp/CursorDown must be supported in onlineHelp/AboutBox
# - selecting project and then ctrl+C doesn't copy it.
# - load/save should support multi project in one file
# - Add help for FilterBank, EnvBank, SwiMux, EXPLIN (?), Switch, DRM, FF1, FF2
# - Add also help for SIN (wave shaper), MIX&OUT, CON_AUX_RETURN, M-CC1, M-CC2, M-NOTE, M-CLK
# - Close project should ask for conformation before deleting unsaved data.
# - Deleting project in project browser should ask for conformation if project is not saved yet.
# + no horizontal scrollbar for "Project Browser"
# - Show/Hide label menu must be grayed out when no modules are selected (first add global counter for counting selected modules).
# - Mixer window and CON, AUX, RETURN modules are not working.
# + should prevent opening same file twice
# + modified flag should be set correctly after all edits. Need to make a checklist.
# + Modified flag should be stored inside autoload.stf
# 0.44
# - Fixed midi clock and start/stop support (M-CLK module).
# There is a separate port selection for the clock source port.
# - Fixed bug updating patch configuration window when switching projects in prj browser.
# - Added unison option to midi settings for each patch. Every M-NOTE will react to all played notes.
# - Improved sawtooth AA filter for +1 and +2 octaves modes.
# 0.43
# - Re-ordered OSC menu
# - Fixed key handling bug (sometimes a command was executed multiple times)
# - Added MinMax module.
# - dsp runtime compiler extended with: AND, OR, NOT
# 0.42
# - Bugfix in rendering of the menu help.
# - Implemented 6th waveform of OSC.
# - Anti-Alias filter of OSC module can be switched on and off.
# - Added DC-Filter on output (play menu).
# All frequencies below 5 Hz are suppressed when this filter is enabled.
# - Added Quad-Osc (Quadrature sin oscillator with 8 fixed phase shifts)
# - Increased contrast of midi activity monitor.
# 0.41
# - Virtual MIDI keyboard
# - Added PM-Osc
# 0.40
# - Fixed output level of DAC. (It was 0 or 32768 and is now changed to 0 or 32767)
# - Saving the project file clears modified flag.
# - Possible to move mouse-arrow with ctrl+cursor keys.
# - Fixed handling of doubleclick in patch-window.
# 0.39
# - Bugfix of problem introduced in 0.38, fill background even when no project is loaded.
# - In project browser the current playing project has [playing] behind the name.
# - Fix in conversion of user-manual text for use in online help. Extra spaces removed.
# 0.38
# - If playing project is different from current project, the playing one is colored green in the project browser.
# - Menuhelp is now generated from the user-manual, so it will keep upto-date
# - Reduced flickering of the screen when using scrollwheel/thumbs when scrolling beyond reachable range.
# - ScopeWindows use double buffered output to eliminate screenflickering during update.
# 0.37
# - Bugfix 'Configuration:Save Settings As' menu option.
# - Bugfix draging cables in mode 0 (black lines) didn't show the cable during draging.
# 0.36
# - Play button on transport turns gray if other then current project is playing.
# - Patches show module count in project browser.
# - Bugfix in refresh of patch screen when objects are selected in project browser.
# - Bugfix in refresh of patch screen when icons are clicked in OSC module.
# 0.35
# - Less flashing/redrawing of the main screen when performing edit operation on the current patch.
# - Modules can be selected in the project browser with the mouse.
# - Modules can be selected with the keyboard. Press enter to expand projects/patches.
# - Fixed Ctrl+S (shortcut for save).
# - Fixed resize for graphic modules (still need color editing before they really work)
# - Memory leak bugfix (free projectName and patchName during delete)
# 0.34
# - Removed click while using 'sync' input combined with the triangle waveform. (Original bug report was for SynFactory)
# - Added M-CC3 and M-CC4. Support for CC messages 3, 9, 20-40, 49-69 and 80-84. (Michael W. Brown)
# - Display current patch number/name in patch window.
# - Many small internal changes for the port to Linux + Qt.
# 0.33
# - Added sync input to Perlin-Osc.
# - Added 0 +1 +2 octave buttons for Perlin-Oscillator.
# - Added M-CC-USER module. (can be used to respond to CC messages not provided by M-CC1 or M-CC2)
# - Added Freq display for Freq. knob for both Perlin-Osc and Formanzzz.
# - Internal bugfix in drawing code when 'translate' function is used for a knob and there are less then 3 inputs or outputs.
# - Sustain pedal support on CC number 65, 66, 67, 68 or 69. Will hold all notes in the patch until released.
# 0.32
# - Program supports onlinehelp in multiple languages (currently no translations available though)
# - Help added (English language only) for CROSS module.
# - OSC Oscillator has +1 and +2 octave modes. Buttons are rearanged a bit to make room for the
# three new buttons.
# - Begin port of studiofactory to Linux + Qt (using Qt will allows an easier port to Mac too)
# 0.31
# - Independed buffersize setting for audio input and audio output.
# - Fixed bug in filter definition for open file dialog.
# - Open file dialog remembers last used filter.
# - The maximize state of main window is stored in autoload.stf.
# - Fixed the File:Save menu option.
# - Filepath of project is stored in autoload.stf.
# - main window has focus after program start.
# - Added horizontal scrollbar in configuration windows
# 0.30
# - Patches are correctly numbered in project window (all were called patch 0)
# - New menu option File:Add/Merge to merge a file with the current project.
# - Fixed cursor control in Project Browser, cursor is now brought into view
# when the cursor keys are used.
# - Value of the knobs on modules can be changed with the keyboard. Hover above
# knob and type number (0-9, backspace or minus). '[' ']' decrement/increment
# with one. '{' '}' decrement/increment with 10.
# - Label editing possible. Hover over label and type text.
# 0.29
# - Added CROSS module (cross fade between two signals).
# - Added Scanner module (scan moothly across 9 inputs).
# - Fixed MIX8 module (added missing inputs).
# - If help window is open it defaults showing about box (it used to be empty).
# - Tool windows can be closed by pressing Escape key
# - When closing a tool window, focus is set to main window.
# 0.28
# - Fixed playmode:record menu option.
# - Fixed help:context menu option.
# - Added online help for most of the modules. Press F1 or help:context
# after selecting a module in the patch area.
# - Fixed bug: Left double clicking on a module knob would sometimes
# cause the mouse to get stuck in the middle of the screen.
# - Check marker is set for play mode:record menu item when recording.
# 0.27
# - A check marker is set in cable color menu for the currently selected
# cable color.
# - Again reduced the amount of memory leaks in the program.
# - Selecting playmode:rewind, playmode:stop or playmode:play from the
# menu is working.
# - ADD, MUL, AND and OR modules have icon to easier distinguish between them.
# - Moving the cursor in the project browser will automatically scroll
# the contents of the window to the cursor location.
# - Fixed Ctrl+C in project browser.
# - Fixed 4Chan scope module (double click opens scope window)
# - Deleting patch module also closes (edit) window belonging to the module
# (SCRIPT, TEXT and SCOPE modules).
# - Module help implemented (select module and press F1). Only help for
# OSC and MOS at the moment.
# 0.26
# - Reduced the amount of memory leaks in the program (still a few exist).
# - Script from the SCRIPT module is now properly saved in .stf projects.
# - Eliminated crash when deleting a project with one or more patches that
# was followed by a project without any patches in the project window.
# - Space and Return/Enter keys can be used in Project Browser to select
# projects and patches with the keyboard.
# 0.25
# - Store last used recording format. So next time record button is
# pressed the same format is used (wav, mp3 or ogg).
# - Copying in synfactory and then pasting in StudioFactory no longer
# creates a new project but merges into an existing patch.
# If 'createNewProject' is false in loadInfo we don't create project.
# - Shurtcuts Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+V work also in projectBrowserWindow.
# - Both delete in menu and pressing delete key now have same result.
# - Selected patches are deleted when selecting delete or cut.
# In previous versions they where left empty in the project.
# - Fixed highlight colors and cursor control in project browser.
# - Mouse is properly released on ALT+TAB when modifying knob settings
# or other cases where the mouse is captured for editing.