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Multi Platform Forth
MultiPlatform Forth is a small Forth compiler for MSDos. It can generate native code
for 80x86 compatible processors. There is also a C++ emulation available for Windows95/NT/Linux.
This compiler is still in development so it may not work
correctly. These sources are directly ziped from my development directory
so they should work, contact me if you encounter any problems.
It should be an ANS-Forth compatible system, but I'm sure there are things
which are not correct yet. To compile the system from the sources, you need TASM and TLINK or compatible
assembler for the loader and an C++ compiler for the emulator. The other files
can be rebuild by the system itself.
Recompilation of the system files
Load mpf8086.bat for MS-Dos systems.
include cross.4th
Select '0'.
On the DosPrompt type: loader 8086dos.bin
include kernext.4th
saveas mykern.bin
Test your new kernel by typing: loader mykern.bin
Good luck
Download the MPForth 0.8.17 (95305 bytes)
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"/forth_mpforth" is last updated on Sun Nov 16 00:13:38 2003